Now Delivering Roo-t Camp

Now Delivering Roo-t Camp

Now Delivering Roo-t Camp Struggling to get to the gym? ROO-T CAMP could be the answer for anyone needing an extra incentive to join the January health kick. In a UK first, Deliveroo and YMCA have joined forces to launch a nationwide gym class that rewards anyone who...
Fitness that Makes a Difference

Fitness that Makes a Difference

As we enter 2019, for a few short weeks, many of us will make promises to ourselves to get fitter, eat healthier and live a cleaner life to improve our overall wellbeing. But as motivation runs dry, we soon slip back into old habits and our gym memberships become a...
11th Annual Aerobathon

11th Annual Aerobathon

This year was our 11th Annual Aerobathon and, with the amazing support of our participants, we have so far managed to raise £632.50 for Breast Cancer Now and YMCA North Tyneside. All of our instructors donate their time to make the event happen which contributes to...
Les Mills at YMCA GYM

Les Mills at YMCA GYM

  We’re proud to introduce Les Mills BODYPUMP™ and BODYBALANCE™ new to YMCA Gym in North Shields.   BODYPUMP™ A barbell workout for anyone looking to get lean, toned and fit – fast. Using light to moderate weights with lots of...
Steve Smashes the Helvellyn Triathlon

Steve Smashes the Helvellyn Triathlon

We caught up with Steve Pugh, one of the team at YMCA, who has just completed one of the biggest challenges of his life (and fundraising for YMCA in the process). His goal was to complete the Helvellyn Triathlon on 2nd September 2018 in under 5 hours. He started...
FREE Yoga and Powerlifting for young people

FREE Yoga and Powerlifting for young people

YMCA North Tyneside has received funding from Sport England​, ​for the 3rd year running​​, ​to deliver free fitness programmes for young people aged between 12-25 yrs, into 2017. Sportivate is a Lottery Funded Programme with Sport England. The programme was developed...